Handscapes created by Jo are very intimate expressions of each individual they are created for. The unique Handscape is comprised of that individuals interests and based on a color palette defined by the individual. Each hand has its own unique shapes and lines.
Jo finds the images and symbols representative of the individual in those shapes and lines of the palm, weaving them together to tell the story of a life. What develops is a montage of imagery brought out through the natural characteristics of the palm, capturing in this small space the universe of experience that makes up a life.
Please contact Jo at: jo@locurtostudios.com for further details on the process or to schedule your handscape.
Current Pricing for Original Handscapes:
Adult Single Hand - $ 325.00
Adult Couples Hands - $ 500.00
Kids Single Hand - $ 200.00
'PawScapes' Single Paw - $ 125.00